7. Administration (continued)
7.3.7 Maintenance
7.3.8 Log
The Maintenance page allows administrators to upgrade the IP firmware
oftheKVMswitch,aswellasbackupandrestoretheKVM configuration
settings and user profiles.
Firmware Upgrade
1. Downloadthefirmwareupgradefilefromwww.tripplite.com/support.
2. Open the Web Management Interface and navigate to the Maintenance
3. ClicktheBrowse button and select the firmware upgrade file you just
downloaded from the Tripp Lite website.
4. Click the Upload button. A prompt appears to inform you the
firmware upgrade process is underway. Upon completion, a prompt
will appear stating the upgrade was successful, and that you will need
5. UponloggingoutoftheKVM,aresetisperformedtocomplete the
upgrade process.
6. UpgradetheMainboard, Input/Output Ports and Keyboard firmware
via the Local Console OSD.(Seepage30fordetailsonLocal Console
OSD Firmware Upgrade.)
Firmware Upgrade Recovery
In the event of a firmware upgrade failure, or an aborted firmware
upgrade, perform a firmware upgrade recovery by completing the
following steps.
1. Power OFF the switch. If it is part of a daisychain installation,
disconnect it from the chain.
2. Connect the firmware upgrade cable to the firmware upgrade port.
3. SlidetheFirmwareUpgradeRecoveryswitchtotheRecoverposition.
4. Power the switch back ON and repeat the upgrade procedure.
5. After the switch has been successfully upgraded, power it OFF and
6. Iftheswitchispartofadaisychain,reconnectittothe daisychain.
7. Power the switch back ON.
Backup Configuration / User Accounts
Thissectionofthepagegivesyoutheabilitytobackupthe KVM’s
configuration settings and user profile information.
To perform a backup, do the following:
1. Enter a password into the Password field. This password will be
settings and/or user profile information.
2. Selectwhattypeofbackupyouwishtocreate;Backup Configuration,
Backup User Accounts or Backup All.
3. ClicktheSave button to create the backup file.
4. A prompt will appear asking if you want to save the file or find a
program to open it. Click the Save button, give the file a unique name
and save it in a convenient location.
Restore Configuration / User Accounts
To erase the configuration settings and/or user profile information
currentlystoredontheKVMandreplaceitwiththatfroma backupfile,
do the following:
1. In the Password field, key in the password that you entered when
creating the backup file.
2. Click the Browse button, navigate to the backup file and select it.
3. Afterselectingthebackupfile,clicktheRestore button. After the file
is restored, a message appears to inform you that the procedure
internal status messages, are kept in an automatically generated log file
located in the Web Management Interface. In addition to this, a more
expansive,searchableWindows-basedLog ServerisincludedintheCD
thatcomeswiththeKVM.(Seepage53fordetailsonthe Log Server.) To
viewthebuilt-inlogfile,simplyclickontheLog icon on the left side of
the Web Management Interface screen.
A maximum of 512 events are kept in this log file. New events are
recorded and placed at the bottom of the list, whereas older events are
placedatthetopofthelist.Whenaneweventisrecordedafterthere are
already 512 events in the log file, the oldest record is discarded to make
room for the new one. To clear the log file, click on the Clear Log icon in
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