7.1.4 Local Console Firmware Upgrade (continued)
7.2.1 Remote OSD List Drop-Down
7. Administration (continued)
Firmware Upgrade Recovery
In the event of a firmware upgrade failure, or an aborted firmware upgrade, perform a firmware upgrade recovery by doing the following:
1. PowerOFFtheswitch.Ifitispartofadaisy-chain,disconnectit fromthechain.
2. Connect the firmware upgrade cable to the firmware upgrade port.
3. SlidetheFirmware Upgrade Recovery Switch to the Recover position.
4. Power the switch back ON and repeat the upgrade procedure.
5. After the switch has been successfully upgraded, power it OFF and then slide the Firmware Upgrade Recovery Switch back to the Normal position.
6. Iftheswitchispartofadaisy-chain,reconnectittothe daisy-chain.
7. Power the switch back ON.
7.2 Remote OSDUponloggingintotheKVMoverIP,youareconnectedtothefirst
connected computer on the installation that you have access to, and the
Remote OSD appears with the Main tab displayed. (See diagram).
AdministratorshaveaccesstoallfeaturesintheOSD,whereasUsers only
have access to the Main tab and Configuration tab. The administrative
settings of the Remote OSD are described in the following section.
JustliketheF2 LIST functioninthelocalconsoleOSD,theremoteOSD
allows you to determine which ports are listed on the Main tab. Simply
clickonthedrop-downmenuatthetopoftheOSDscreenand selectan
Setting Description
ALL Lists all of the ports on the installation that
are accessible to the logged-on user,
whether they are powered-ON or not.
POWERED ON Lists all of the ports on the installation that
are both accessible to the logged-on user
and powered-ON.
QVIEW Lists all of the ports on the installation that
are set as Quick View ports by an
administrator. (See page 42 for details on
Quick View ports.)
QVIEW + POWERED ON Lists all of the ports on the installation that
are both set as Quick View ports by an
administrator and are powered ON.
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