drawing for a chance to win a FREE Tripp Lite product!*
* No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Some restrictions apply. See website for details.
Regulatory Compliance Identification Numbers
For the purpose of regulatory compliance certifications and identification, your Tripp Lite product has been assigned a unique series number. The series
numbercanbefoundontheproductnameplatelabel,alongwithall requiredapprovalmarkingsandinformation.Whenrequestingcompliance
information for this product, always refer to the series number. The series number should not be confused with the marking name or model number of the
WEEE Compliance Information for Tripp Lite Customers and Recyclers (European Union)
equipment from Tripp Lite they are entitled to:
• Sendoldequipmentforrecyclingonaone-for-one,like-for-likebasis(thisvariesdependingonthecountry)
• Sendthenewequipmentbackforrecyclingwhenthisultimatelybecomeswaste
Use of this equipment in life support applications where failure of this equipment can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of the life support
equipmentortosignificantlyaffectitssafetyoreffectivenessisnotrecommended.Donotusethis equipmentinthepresenceofaflammableanesthetic
mixture with air, oxygen or nitrous oxide.
Tripp Lite follows a policy of continuous improvement. Product specifications are subject to change without notice.
9. Warranty Registration201009236 93-2985.indd 58 11/18/2010 4:21:52 PM