Setting Description
Sets the language for an external keyboard connected to the KVM’s external keyboard port. To select a keyboard language, double-
click on the desired language or highlight it and hit the [Enter] key. You can choose between US English, UK English, German, Swiss
German, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Traditional Chinese.
This allows administrators to set which consoles are enabled for use. Press the spacebar to toggle between three choices:
Mode 0 – Both consoles are enabled.
Mode 1 – Only the built-in LCD console is enabled.
Mode 2 – Only the external console is enabled.
This setting defaults at Mode 0. (Both consoles are enabled.)
7.1.3 Local Console OSD F4 Administration (ADM) Page (continued)
7.1.4 Local Console Firmware Upgrade
7. Administration (continued)
TheB020-U08-19-IPhastwosetsoffirmware,onetocontrolIP Access
andanothertocontroltheKVM’sMainboard, Input/Output Ports and
Keyboard. The IP Access firmware must be updated via the Web
Management Interface or Remote OSD.TheKVMMainboard, Input/
Output Ports and Keyboard firmware must be updated via the local
consoleOSD.ToupgradetheKVMsMainboard, Input/Output Ports and
Keyboard firmware, follow the instructions below:
1. FromacomputerthatisnotconnectedtoyourKVMswitch,
download the firmware upgrade file from www.tripplite.com/support.
Note: If firmware upgrades are not on www.tripplite.com/support, there
are no upgrades available for your unit.
2. Usingtheincludedfirmwareupgradecable,connecttheRJ11jackon
theLCDpaneloftheconsoletoaDB9COMporton thecomputer
you just downloaded the firmware upgrade file to.
Note: Daisy-chained KVM switches will automatically receive the
upgrade via the daisy chain cables.
3. ShutdownallthecomputersontheKVMinstallation.LeaveallKVM
4. OpenthelocalconsoleOSDandnavigatetotheF4 ADM page.
5. Scroll down to the FIRMWARE UPGRADE option and press the
[Enter] key. Press [Y] to invoke Firmware Upgrade Mode.
6. Fromthecomputeryoudownloadedthefirmwareupgradeto,runthe
command line and entering the full path to it. The firmware upgrade
utility welcome screen appears.
7. Read and agree to the license agreement, and then click Next to
continue. The firmware upgrade utility main screen appears, and the
devices capable of being upgraded are listed in the Device List panel
on the left side of the screen. There will be three firmware versions
displayed for each device.
Note: If you receive a message that a device is not connected to the serial
port, you may need to restart the computer the firmware upgrade utility is on.
8. HighlighttheMain firmware version of the desired device, and then
click Next to begin the upgrade. If you checked the Check Firmware
Version checkbox, the utility compares the device’s firmware level
with that of the upgrade files. If it finds that the device’s version is
higher than the upgrade version, it brings up a dialog box informing
you of the situation and gives you the option to continue or cancel.
If you didn’t check the Check Firmware Version checkbox, the utility
installs the upgrade files without checking the version numbers. As the
upgrade proceeds, status messages appear in the Status Messages panel,
and the progress toward completion is shown on the Progress bar.
Note: Each of the three firmware files for the KVM will be upgraded in
1. After the upgrade has completed, a screen appears to inform you that
the procedure was successful.
Click Finish to close the firmware upgrade utility.
Note: Upgrade the IP firmware via the Remote OSD or the Web
Management Interface. (See page 41 for Remote OSD Firmware Upgrade
or page 52 for Web Management Interface Firmware Upgrade.)
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