7. Administration (continued)
7.4 Log ServerTheWindows-basedLog Server is an administrative utility that records all
them to a searchable database. This chapter describes how to install and
configure the Log Server.
Note: The Log Server requires the Microsoft Jet OLEDB 4.0 driver in
order to function properly.
To install the Log Server, do the following:
1. From the computer that you want to use to host the Log Server, open
theCDthatcamewiththeKVMswitchandopentheLog Server
Installer file. If any security warning dialog boxes appear, ignore them
and click Run or Open. A Log Server setup screen appears.
2. Click the Nextbutton,andthen followtheon-screeninstructionsto
complete the installation and have the Log Server program icon placed
on your desktop.
3. Afterinstallation,andbeforeopeningtheLog Server for the first time,
go to the ANMS page in the Web Management Interface or Remote
Log Server on and an access port that can be used to get through a
firewall. (See page 50 for the Web Management Interface ANMS or
page 40 for the Remote OSD ANMS.)
4. Double-clicktheLog Server desktop icon. The first time you open the
Log Server, a screen similar to the one below appears:
The screen is divided into three components:
• AMenuBaratthetop.
• ApanelthatwillcontainalistofallB020-U08-19-IPunitsin the
• ApanelthatwillcontainanEventsListatthebottom.
Menu Bar
• Configure
• Events
• Options
• Help
The Configuremenuconsistsofthreefunctions;Add, Edit and Delete.
Select the AddfunctionwhenyouneedtoaddanewB020-U08-19-IPto
the list of units that the Log Server records events for.
Note: You must first add a B020-U08-19-IP via the Add function before
the Log Server can start recording its events.
WhenyouopentheAdd function the following dialog box will appear:
Field Description
Address This can either be the IP address of the B020-U08-19-IP
or its DNS name (if the network administrator has
assigned it a DNS name). This value must be entered
into the ANMS settings screen in order for the B020-U08-
19-IP to communicate with the Log Server. (See page 50
for the Web Management Interface ANMS or page 40 for
the Remote OSD ANMS.)
Port Key in the port number that was specified in the Log
Server portion of the ANMS settings screen. If this differs
from the port entered in the ANMS settings screen, the
Log Server will not be able to communicate with the
Description This field is provided so that you can enter in additional
information that will help differentiate this KVM switch
from all other KVMs that the Log Server is recording
information for.
Limit This specifies the number of days that an event is kept in
the database before it can be deleted. To remove all
events that have passed the expiration date set in this
field, use the Maintenance function in the Events menu.
(See page 54 for details on the Maintenance function.)
Select the Edit function when you need to change the information for an
Log Server list and open the Edit function from the Configure menu. A
dialog box will appear that shows the exact information that was entered
fortheKVMwhenitwasaddedusingtheAdd function. Edit this
information and click OK.
TodeleteaKVMswitch,simplyhighlightitintheLog Server list and
open the Delete function from the Configure menu. A dialog box will
OKtodeleteit.Ifyouwanttoremoveitfromthelist ofKVMsbeing
tracked by the Log Server, click OK.
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