Extend and Update the Active Directory Schema – Create a New Attribute
1. Open Control Panel Administrative Tools Active Directory
2. Intheleftpanelofthescreenthatcomesup,right-clickAttributes.
7. Administration (continued)
7.3.4 ANMS (continued)
3. SelectNew Attribute.
4. A warning message appears. Click Continue to bring up the Create
New Attribute dialog box.
5. Fill in the dialog box and click OK.
Extend and Update the Active Directory Schema – Extend the Object
Class with the New Attribute
1. Open Control Panel Administrative Tools Active Directory
2. In the left panel of the screen that comes up, select Classes.
3. Intherightpanel,right-clickperson and select Properties. Select the
General tab of the person Properties screen, and fill in the fields
according to the example:
4. Select the Attributes tab of the person Properties screen and click the
Add button.
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