7.3.1 General Information
7.3.2 Network
7. Administration (continued)
As previously mentioned, the General Information page is the first page you see upon logging into the Web Management Interface.Whennavigating
through the Web Management Interface, you can always display the General Information page by clicking on the icon at the top of the screen. The
information on this page is discussed in the table:
Field Description
Device Name To make it easier to manage installations that have more than one KVM connected to the network, you are given the option of entering
a unique device name. To assign a device name for the KVM switch, simply type the desired name in this field (16 characters max). By
default, the device name is the model name of the KVM.
MAC Address The KVM’s MAC address displays here. A MAC address label can also be found on the bottom panel of the console.
Indicates the current IP firmware version. This firmware controls the IP functionality of the KVM switch, whereas a separate version,
upgradeable via the Local Console OSD, controls the basic KVM and console functionality. New firmware files can be downloaded from
www.tripplite.com/support as they become available. You can reference this number to see if the version on the website is newer than
that on your KVM.
Clicking on the Network icon at the top of the screen brings you to the
Network page. From here you can set access ports that will be allowed by
set the IP Installer settings. IP Installer settings can only be changed
using the Web Management Interface.
Access Ports
If a firewall is being used, these fields allow administrators to specify port
numbers that the firewall will allow. The firewall must be set to allow
access to these ports. If an invalid port number (or no port number) is
explanation of the ports you can set via this page is given in the table:
Port Description
Program This is the port number that must be specified when
connecting to the KVM via the AP Windows or Java Cient.
The default is 9000.
HTTP This port number is for a browser login. The default is 80.
HTTPS This port number is for a secure browser login. The
default is 443.
Note: A different value must be set for each access port. If there is no
firewall, it doesn’t matter what these numbers are set to, since they have
no effect.
IP Address and DNS Server
1. TohavetheIPaddresspulledautomaticallyviaDHCPserver,make
sure that the Obtain an IP address automatically [DHCP] option is
2. To assign a fixed IP address, make sure the Use the following IP
address [Fixed IP] option is selected.
3. FillintheIP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway fields with
information appropriate to your network.
4. IfyouhavesettheIPaddresstobepulledviaDHCPserver,youcan
eitherchoosetoassigntheDNSserveraddressviaDHCPaswell, or
make sure that the Obtain DNS server address automatically option is
Using the following DNS server address option is selected.
5. Fill in the Primary DNS server and Alternate DNS server fields with
information appropriate for you network.
Note: Specifying the primary DNS Server address is mandatory. The
alternate DNS Server address is optional.
6. Afterallchangeshavebeenmade,makesurethattheReset on exit
checkbox in the Customization screen is checked. This checkbox
should automatically be checked anytime network settings have been
7. ExittheremotesessionandlogoutoftheKVMswitch.Uponlogging
outoftheKVM,apromptwillappearstatingtheKVMwill bereset.
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