ANMS – LDAP/S Configuration
namefortheKVM–permission – is added as an optional attribute to the
person class.
Note: Authentication refers to the identity verification of the person
logging into the KVM switch, whereas Authorization refers to the
assigning of device permissions.
following procedures:
1. InstalltheWindows2003SupportTools.
2. InstalltheActiveDirectorySchemaSnap-In.
3. ExtendandUpdatetheActiveDirectorySchema.
Each of these procedures is described in the following sections:
Install the Windows 2003 Support Tools
1. OntheWindowsServer,opentheSupport Tools folder.
2. In the right panel of the dialog box that comes up, double click
3. FollowalongwiththeInstallationWizardtocompletetheprocedure.
Install the Active Directory Schema Snap-In
1. Open a Command prompt.
2. Keyinregsvr32 schmmgmt.dll to register schmmgmt.dll on your
3. OpentheStart menu. Click Run and key in mmc /a. Click OK.
4. In the File menu of the screen that appears, click Add/Remove Snap-
in, and then click Add.
5. Under Available Standalone Snap-ins, double click Active Directory
Schema, click Close and then click OK.
6. Onthescreenyouarein,opentheFile menu and click Save.
7. Whenpromptedwheretosave,specifytheC:\Windows\system32
8. Keyinthefilename schmmgmt.msc.
9. ClickSave to complete the procedure.
Extend and Update the Active Directory Schema – Create a New Attribute
1. Open Control Panel Administrative Tools Active Directory
2. Intheleftpanelofthescreenthatcomesup,right-clickAttributes.
3. SelectNew Attribute.
7.2.3 Remote OSD Administration Tab (continued)
7. Administration (continued)
4. A warning message appears. Click Continue to bring up the Create
New Attribute dialog box.
5. Fill in the dialog box and click OK.
Extend and Update the Active Directory Schema – Extend the Object
Class with the New Attribute
1. Open Control Panel Administrative Tools Active Directory
2. In the left panel of the screen that comes up, select Classes.
3. Intherightpanel,right-clickperson and select Properties. Select the
General tab of the person Properties screen, and fill in the fields
according to the example:
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