7. Administration (continued)
7.3.2 Network (continued)
7.3.3 Security
IP Installer Settings
An IP InstallerutilityisprovidedontheCDthatcomeswiththe KVMswitch,whichgivesyouasimplewaytoascertainandconfiguretheKVM’sIP
address.Wheninvoked,theIP Installer scansthenetworkforB020-U08-19-IPdevicesanddisplaystheonesitfinds.Thesettingsfound inthispage
limit what the IP Installer is allowed to do. These settings are described in the table:
Setting Description
Enabled When this setting is checked, the IP Installer can be used to both view and configure the IP address information of the KVM switch.
View Only When this setting is checked, the IP Installer can be used to view the IP address information of the KVM switch, but can not be used to con-
figure the IP address.
Disabled When this setting is check, the IP Installer is not permitted to view or configure the IP address information of the KVM switch.
Note: After making any network changes, make sure that the Reset on exit checkbox in the Customization page is checked before logging out of the KVM
switch. This resets the KVM switch upon logout, allowing network changes to take effect without having to power the unit ON and OFF.
The Security page controls IP access by filtering the range of IP addresses
addressfilterscontrolaccesstotheKVMswitchbasedontheIP and/or
• Ifanyfiltershavebeenconfigured,theyappearintheIP filter and/or
MAC filter list boxes.
• Toremoveafilterfromthelist,simplyclick��onitandhitthe
corresponding Remove button.
Note: When clicking the Remove button, you are not prompted to confirm
the removal of the filter, it is automatically removed.
• Toeditafilter,simplyclickonitandhitthecorrespondingEdit button.
Adding/Editing a Filter
1. Check the IP Filter Enable or MAC Filter Enable checkbox.
2. Click on the corresponding Add button, or highlight the desired filter
and click on the corresponding Edit button. The IP Filter or MAC
Filter entry box appears.
3. IPfiltersrequireyoutoenteraStart IP Address and an End IP
Address, which allows for ranges of IP addresses to be filtered. If you
only want to filter a single IP address, just enter the same address in
time. If you are adding a new filter, simply fill in the address fields
and click OK. If you are editing an existing filter, replace the old
address with the correct address and click OK.
4. Select the include or exclude option next to the IP Filter Enable or
MAC Filter Enable checkbox. This will determine if all filters in the
list are excludedfromaccessingtheKVM,orifonlythoseaddresses
in the list are includedamongthosethatcanaccesstheKVM.
Default Webpage Name
InadditiontoIPandMACaddressfiltering,theSecurity page allows you
to set a Default web page Name. The Default web page name is a login
string specified by an administrator that must be included after the IP
default webpage name of abcdefgforaKVMwithanIPaddressof
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