7. Administration (continued)
7.3.4 ANMS (continued)
5. Select permission from the list that appears and then click OK.
Extend and Update the Active Directory Schema – Edit Active Directory
Users with the Extended Schema
1. Run ADSI Edit. (Installed as part of the Support Tools).
2. Open domain, and navigate to the cn=users dc=tripplite dc=com
3. Locateandhighlighttheuseryouwishtoedit.(Ourexampleuses
4. Right-clickontheuser’snameandselectproperties.
5. Select the Attribute Editor tab of the screen that appears. Select
permission from the list and then click Edit.
6. ReplacethevalueshownwiththedesiredKVMpermissionattribute
value. (See table below for details.)
Permission Attribute Value
The Permission Attribute Valueismadeupoftwoparts;theIPaddressof
theKVMswitchthattheuserwillbeaccessingandastring ofcharacters
that indicates the access rights the user has. The following rules apply to
the makeup of the permission attribute value entry:
• Anampersand (&)connectstheKVMrepresentedbytheIPaddressto
the access rights represented by the string of characters.
• Thecharactersoftheaccessrightsstringcanbeenteredineither upper
or lower case. The available characters and what access rights they
represent are listed in the following table.
• Eachcharacterintheaccessrightsstringisseparatedbyacomma (,).
There are no spaces before or after the comma.
• IfauserhasaccessrightstomorethanoneKVM,each permission
segment is separated by a semicolon (;). There are no spaces before or
after the semicolon.
Character Description
CGives the corresponding account administrator privileges.
WGives the corresponding account access to the KVM
switch via the Windows browser and non-browser applica-
JGives the corresponding account access to the KVM
switch via the Java browser and non-browser applications.
LGives the corresponding account access to the log server
on the Web Management Interface.
VGives the corresponding account view-only access to all
ports on the KVM switch.
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