WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine,shut off engine, wait for all moving partsto come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire awayfrom spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personalinjury or property damage.
Figure5-3: Installtinessothatcuttingedgeoftinesentersoftfirstwhentillermovesforward.
h Unthreadthe hex nut IC,
c.Unhookthe top of the spring from the Forward Clutch Bail.
d.Usepliers to preventthe adjuster (B_ from turning and turn the slotted screw lo- cated insidethe spring clockwise ,viewed from operator'sposition} to increaseten- sion on the spring. Turn the screw coun- terclockwise to decreasetension. Once
adjusted, reattach the spring to the For- ward Clutch Ba_l.
e.RepeatSteps2and 3to
ReplacementBelt Information
It is important to maintain correct tension on the forward drive belt. A loose beltwill causethe tinesandwheelsto slow
•Check belt tension after the first two hours of
•At the end of eachtilling season,check the belt for cracks, cuts or frayed edges and replace it as soon as possible.
To CheckForwardBelt Tension:
belt tension is correct if this second mea- suremenl is
4.If the spring Lstoo short tless than 1/ 16'1the. tension is too loose. If the spring is too long _morethan 3/16'hthe. tension is too tight.
5.To adjust the length of the spring: a. Releasethe Forward Clutch Bail.
If the drive belt needsto be replaced,see your local authorized dealeror refer to the Parts List for ordering information. Use only
mechanicalability andcommonly available tools.
1.Stop engine, wait for all partsto stop mowng anddisconnect spark plug wire.
2.With the ForwardClutch Bailinan open (releasedl position,measureand note the overall length of the cable spring (A, Figure
3.Squeezethe ForwardClutch Bail againstthe
Figure5-4: Tocheckforwardbelt tension, take twomeasurementsof the nverell length ofthe coilsin the spring-- first with the clutchbail open, then with the clutchbail closedagainst the handlebar.