6) Then, the screen will display:
V2.1 COM2 Address: ESC=1 NAK=3 PARA=9600,1,8,NONE |
| ||||
0.Send | 1.Poll | A.Stop | B.BarT | C.ComT | D.DIR | E.Del | F.ExeSize |
f.Font | G.Memory | H.Reset | I.ExFile | J.Exist | K.Keypad | k.Kermit | L.Dnload |
M.Time | N.Buzzer | O.Auto | P.Passwd | Q.UplMode | R.TrmID | T.TrmT | U.Upload |
V.DEV_T | X.Exec | 3.brk | 5.ChgAdr | 9.Loop | @.Modem | ?.320 | ~.UPS off |
F1.Addr F2.Comm_P F3.Retry F4.Disp. F5.Shell F6.Pkt size : Select:
Item 0). | Send a string of characters as message to MR350MKII. |
1). | Polling data from each terminals. |
A). | Warm start means putting all connected terminals to ready |
| mode, previously running program is stopped. |
B). | Set enable/disable the barcode symbologies |
C). | Set communication control table. |
D). | Remote read the files existed on MR350MKII ram disk. |
E). | Remote delete a specified file which existed on ram disk. |
F). | Change RAM size of executable area (Not available on |
| MR350MKII). |
f). | Change font size. (Not available on MR350MKII) |
G). | Get all connected terminals current total RAM size, |
| execution area size, and free size. |
H). | Cold start means initializing the system parameters of |
| all connected terminals to factory default values. |
I). | Get filename of current running program. |
J). | Check if specified file existed or not. |
K). | Set keypad Lock / Unlock / Partial lock. (Not available on |
| MR350MKII) |
k). | Enter Kermit server mode (Not available on MR350MKII) |
L). | Download a program or data file to MR350MKII. |
M). | Set connected terminal’s date and time. |