BYTE pageterm;/* page terminator */
Each MR350MKII "terminal" is identified by an ASCII string. There
can be up to seven characters of a terminal identification. The
identification entry in the TERM_CONFIG table has one more
character space to allow ASCII_Z (hex 0) termination, as in C
language convention.
online: 'R' = set to Remote and transmit data to
the host port (default)
'L' = set to Local and not transmit
echo: 'N' = Collected data displayed
'F' = Collected data not displayed
Above two variables, TERM_online and
TERM_echo, are used to control
transmission and display of the collected data,
respectively. If TERM_online is set to
Remote the MR350MKII will transmit data
to the host, otherwise it will not transmit. If
TERM_echo is set to Echo collected data will
be displayed on the MR350MKII LCD,
otherwise data will not be displayed.
autolf: 'N' = set not to append a LF after a CR
'F' = set to append a LF (default)
This variable instructs the MR350MKII to
append a LF character whenever a CR is
collected from an input scanning device.
mode: 'C' = set to Character mode
'B' = set to Block mode (default)
This parameter specifies either character
mode or block mode free-format operation.
The aforementioned form caching operation
is only applicable when the MR350MKII is
set in block mode.
linepage: 'L' = set line block mode (default)
'P' = set page block mode
'B' = set both line and page block modes
The linepage parameter is useful only if mode
has been specified as 'B'.