Basic Scan

The VXA-700allows you to scan automatically in the VFO*1, Main Memory, “Book” Memory, or Weather Chan- nel*2 modes. It pauses on signals encountered, so you can talk to the station(s) on that frequency, if you like.

*1: In the VFO mode, the automatic scanner is only available in the current operating band (AIR band, 2-m Amateur band, or FM BC band). Furthermore, on the AIR band, the automatic scanner is only available in the COM band (118.000 - 136.975 MHz); when the scanner reaches the uppermost frequency in the COM band, it will revert to the bottom end of the COM band and repeat the scanning process until you cancel the scanning process.

*2: USA version only.

If you wish to scan in the NAV band (108.000 - 117.975 MHz), you can do so manually, as described below.

Scanning operation is basically the same in each of the above modes.

rPress the key momentarily to start the automatic scanner upward (toward a higher frequency or a higher channel number).

rWhen the scanner encounters a signal, scanning pauses and the radio remains on that channel until one sec-

ond after the signal disappears, after which scanning will resume.

rWhile the scanner remains paused on a frequency, the decimal point of the frequency display blinks. The dis- play will be illuminated unless the Scan Lamp Fea- ture is turned off.

rTo change the scan direction, turn the DIAL selector knob one click in the opposite direction.

rTo stop the automatic scanner, press the PTT switch

or the key momentarily.

The VXA-700’s automatic scanner is not operational in the NAV band (108.000 - 117.975 MHz), because the NAV stations (ILS, etc.) transmit constantly (thereby causing the scanner to stop repeatedly). However, you can scan manually in the NAV band, per the following procedure:

rPress and hold the key to start the manual scan- ner. Scanning will continue as long as the key is de- pressed.

rRelease the key to stop the manual scanner im- mediately.

Note: When scanning upward in frequency, when the frequency reaches the COM Band (118.000 - 136.975 MHz) via manual scanning, the VXA-700will switch to the automatic scanner mode.