It is important that you place your Vision Fitness Treadmill in a comfortable and inviting room. Your Vision Fitness Treadmill is designed to use minimal floor space and go nicely in your family room, den, or bedroom. Many people will place their treadmills facing the TV or a picture window. If at all possible, avoid putting your Treadmill in an unfinished basement. To make exercise a desirable daily activity for you, the treadmill should be in an attractive setting.
Occasionally after long term use you will find a fine black dust below your Vision Fitness Treadmill. This is normal wear, mostly from your sneakers and DOES NOT mean there is anything wrong with your tread- mill. This dust can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner. If you wish to prevent this dust from getting on your floor or carpet, place a rubber or vinyl mat beneath your treadmill.
If your Vision Fitness Treadmill wobbles when you have placed it where you intend to use it, raise or lower one or both of the adjustable levelers located on the bottom of the base. Once you have leveled the Fitness Treadmill, lock the levelers in place by tightening the winged lock nuts against the base frame.
Plug the power cord into the plug receptacle located at the front of the treadmill deck. Plug the cord into a grounded 115V wall socket and turn the power switch on.
The outlet selected should be a dedicated circuit. It is particularly important that no sensitive electrical equipment, such as computer or TVs, share the same circuit.
12 PART 2 Assembly