[Pulse trigger]
Use this method to activate operations for which no definite end can be defined, such as Volume Up/Down,
BGM and Base pattern activation, and BGM End. Minimum pulse width is 100 ms.
[Level trigger]
Use this method to activate "MUTE," "POWER" (Power ON/OFF remote function), "EMG-MUTE" (Cut-off by
emergency control), interrupt broadcasts, and other operations of which start and end must be defined.
For "MUTE," "POWER," and "EMG-MUTE" functions, if operated at the front panel (EMG-MUTE does not
accept this access from the front panel) or if other control input to which the same function is assigned is fed,
their states are changed by subsequent panel operations or control input activations. The following example
shows the change in operation when POWER (Power ON/OFF remote function) is assigned to Control inputs
1 and 2;
Control input 1 will still keep the power ON after Control input 2 turns the power OFF, however the unit's
power is OFF.
15.1.4. Operation by control input
Broadcast state
Over 100 ms
State changes at the falling edge, and is maintained
until changed by another trigger.
BGM broadcast in progress
Activated only for this duration
Start End
Control input 1
Control input 2
Unit operation
Power ON