control program Program that supports the operating system by monitoring the flow of jobs, tasks, processing, and so forth, within the system.

coordinate Point on the x±axis and y±axis that determines a grid position.

copy To duplicate data in a new location or on an additional storage medium. For example, to copy files from disk to tape.

copy±sensitive Term used to indicate jobs in which multiple copies of a report will contain different data, such as paychecks and banking statements.

data 1. In general, facts, numbers, letters, symbols, and so forth, that can be processed or produced by a computer. 2. In data processing, the source data, or raw data, entered for processing, as opposed to the results obtained by processing.

database Information to meet specific processing and retrieval needs. Generally applies to integrated files of data, arranged for access by many subsystems.

data file Collection of related data records organized in a specific manner so that each record is similarly structured, for example, a payroll file set up with one record for each employee, structured with the last name first, followed by the rate of pay and all deductions.

data processing Operations carried out on data by means of algorithms and programs to produce information or a specific result. The rearrangement of data into a suitable form for further use.

data set Collection of logically related records stored in a database. See also file.

data storage Preservation of data on various media, such as tape and disks.

debug To detect and correct errors in a program.

decentralized printer Class of Xerox printers that includes the 3700, 4045, 4235, and 4700 printers. Decentralized printers are frequently placed in a remote location to handle a lower volume of output.

default Value assigned to a field by the system. Default fields may be used for such items as document formats, menu selections, input fields, font selection, and paper or image size. You can change the default value of a field.

device Any piece of hardware other than the central processing unit (CPU).

digitize To express or represent data in digital (binary) format so it can be processed electronically.

display Viewing device (monitor) used to visually display the results of operator interaction with the system.

DJDE Dynamic job descriptor entry. Command within an input data stream used to modify the printing environment dynamically.

dot Unit of measurement representing a fraction of an inch; for example, 300 dots per inch (dpi). Dot may also refer to a picture element (pixel) or spot.

dpi Dots per inch. Indicates the number of dots per inch displayed on a terminal screen or printed to form a character or graphic.

download To load files from the host onto LPS system disks.

dry ink Minute, dry particles of resin and carbon black used to create

images. Dry ink can accept an electrical charge.



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Xerox Printer manual Host Forms Description Language