Xerox Printer manual Host Forms Description Language

Models: Printer

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bit Binary digit. Smallest unit of information recognized by a computer. Numeric digits of 1 or 0 represent the binary scale of notation. In computers and related devices, the binary numeric values can be represented by a positive or negative electrical pulse. As a general rule, 1 equals ON, TRUE, or YES; and 0 (zero) equals OFF, FALSE, or NO. A number of bits strung together can represent a character to the computer.

Multipliers of the bit are as follows:

·1 or 0 byte = 8 bits

·1 kilobyte (KB) or 1,024 bytes = 8,192 bits

·1 megabyte (MB) or 1,048,576 bytes = 8,388,608 bits.

Computer space equivalents (in KB) are as follows:

·1.5 KB = about one single±spaced typed page

·30 KB = about 20 typed pages

·150 KB = about 100 typed pages.

bitmap Visual representation of graphic images in which a bit defines a picture element (pixel). For example, if a bit is 1, the corresponding pixel is printed.

bitmapped Display image generated bit by bit for each point or dot. A software±driven scanner is used to create characters and graphics.

blocking Process of combining two or more records into a single block of data, which can be moved, operated upon, stored, and so on, as a single unit by the computer.

block length Number of characters or bytes contained in a block of data. The block is treated as a unit in the computer. Block lengths may be specified in units such as records, words, computer words, or characters.

boot To load initial operating instructions for a program into the memory of the computer. These instructions direct the loading of the rest of the program. Booting may require the entry of a few commands or keystrokes (soft boot) or the turning on of a switch to begin the process (hard boot).

buffer Compartment of memory in which data is stored during transfer from one device to another.

byte Fixed number of bits operated upon as a unit (in data processing,

usually 8). A byte may represent a character, a machine instruction, or some other logical unit of information.

carriage return Control character that causes the printing system to start printing at the left margin of the current line (unless set to be interrupted as a line end).

centralized printer Class of Xerox printers that includes the 4050, 4090, 4135, 4650, 4850, 4890, 8790, and 9790 printers. Centralized printers are frequently placed in a central location to handle a large volume of output.

channel 1. In data communications, path or line that allows two or more

devices to communicate. 2. In computers, a path for communication between the central processing unit (CPU) and peripheral devices.

character Single printable letter (A to Z), numeral (0 to 9), symbol (& % #), or punctuation marks (, . ! ?) used to represent data. Characters can also be nonprinting, such as a space, tab, or carriage return.



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Xerox Printer manual Host Forms Description Language