syntax Rules governing the structure of expression in a programming language.

syntax error System response to a mistake in structure of expression.

system 1. In data processing, a collection of parts and procedures organized to accomplish a set of specific functions. 2. Assembly of components united by some form of regulated interaction to form an organized whole. 3. Operation or procedures through which a business activity is accomplished.

system disk Magnetic disk storage medium, usually of large capacity, that is not removable, as opposed to removable floppy disks or disk packs.

sysgen (system generation) Process whereby the system is made ready to operate. Typically involves selecting the operative parameters and activating the relevant software.

system page Maximum area in which text and graphics can be imaged on a printing system.

system software Software programs that support and control system functions by governing hardware operation and input and output process. This includes interpreting source programs and converting them into machine language, as well as distributing tasks among various processors.

tape Recording media for data or computer programs. Tape can be in a permanent form, such as perforated paper tape, or a reusable magnetic form. The magnetic form has a higher storage capacity than disk storage, but it takes longer to write or recover data from tape than from disk.

task 1. Any major job performed by a computer. 2. One of several programs being executed by a system.

terminal Device equipped with a keyboard and connected to a computer or network.

testing 1. Process of running a program for the express purpose of discovering errors. 2. For computer±oriented systems, the process of verifying the ability of a system to meet performance objectives in a simulated environment, or validating its actual performance in a real±time environment.

text Portion of a message, program, or input that contains the information you want to convey.

text string Consecutive series of characters that are output exactly as specified in the command or program.

translation Function of a language processor that converts certain source programs, such as Basic, into a machine±readable language.

transmit To send data from one place to another.

truncate Cut off before completion, as when data transferred from a host

to a printer is cut off before all data is transmitted.

TSO Time Sharing Option. Host software that allows multiple terminals to communicate efficiently with a host. TSO command processors can edit data sets, submit jobs for batch execution, and perform data set manipulation.

typeface 1. Type of a single design. 2. Set of character with design features that make them similar to one another.



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Xerox Printer manual Host Forms Description Language