MVS Multiple Virtual Storage. Operating system that supports the IBM System 370 hardware. MVS is designed to handle large scale production batch applications.

national use characters Includes the @, $, and # sign. The system recognizes the hexadecimal representations of the U.S. national characters: @ as X`7C'; $ as X`5B'; and # as X`7B'. In some countries, the keyboard±generated characters may generate different hexadecimal representation and cause errors.

nonimpact printer Printer that forms characters or symbols on a medium (usually paper) without striking or impacting the medium. Laser printers are nonimpact printers.

object file Source file converted into machine language (binary code) that is usable by the CPU.

operand Data that is acted upon (for example, in a computer operation or process).

operating system Basic host± or LPS±resident controlling program that governs the operations of a computer, such as job entry, input output (I/O), and data management.

orientation Direction in which text or images are positioned on a page. When text and images are positioned with the lines of text parallel to the shorter sides of the paper, the orientation is portrait. When text and images are positioned with the lines of text parallel to the longer sides of the paper, the orientation landscape.

origin References a point on the image area of a page that is usually in the upper left corner of the page.

OSS Operating system software. See also operating system.

overprinting Printing more than one character at the same position.

overstrike Printing characters over each other.

page 1. In computer programming, a block of instructions, data, or both, that can be located in main or auxiliary storage. 2. In word processing or form generation, a defined section of a document.

page end Command character (form feed) that terminates the current page.

pagination Process of separating text or data into pages.

parameter Part of a command, other than the keyword. See also keyword.

PARM Keyword parameter in the JCL that is coded on the EXEC statement of the JCL after the program or procedure name and only applies to the step being executed.

parsing To read or interpret a command. To build up a parameter list from information within a command.

physical page Area on which printing is done.

pica 1. Unit of measurement equal to 0.166 inch. Picas are often used to express line measurements or column width. 2. A type size that measures ten characters to the inch. See also elite; pitch; point.

pitch Horizontal character spacing; 10±pitch spacing is called pica (10 characters per inch); 12±pitch spacing is called elite (12 characters per inch). See also cpi.



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Xerox Printer manual GLOSSARY±9