Check the control levers for smooth operation and proper shifting.
1)Remove the engine stop switch cord (lanyard) and ignition keys.
2)Push and pull the control levers through their full range, from Neutral to
3)While a second person watches from the stern, move the control levers to the Forward position. Check that the shift gates lift completely to the stops.
4)While the second person watches, move the levers back to the Reverse position. Check that the shift gates drop down over the nozzles to the stops.
If the controls do not operate smoothly or correctly, ask your authorized Yamaha Boat dealer for service.
1)Remove the engine stop switch lan- yard and ignition keys.
2)Put the throttle levers in the idle position (otherwise the shift lever will not move).
3)Push the shift lever to Forward from the Neutral position while a second person observes shift gate move- ment from outside the boat. Both shift gates should lift completely to the stops.
4)Pull the shift lever back from Forward through Neutral to Reverse. The observer should check for proper movement of the shift gates. Both gates should drop down over the nozzles to the stops.
If reverse gates do not operate smoothly or correctly, ask your authorizedYamaha Boat dealer for service.