Fire Extinguisher

Make sure the fire extinguisher is aboard and full. See the instructions supplied by the fire extinguisher manufacturer to determine proper indication of condition.

The fire extinguisher canister is located inside the driver-side console storage compartment. Open the windshield cover, and then unscrew the canister to reach the fire extinguisher.

This boat is an inboard boat less than 26’ long. A boat of this type MUST carry a fire extinguisher of a B-1 classi- fication, with a capacity of two pounds or more, when navigating in waters controlled by the U.S. Coast Guard. In addition, most state and local boating laws also require that the craft carry

aUSCG-approved fire extinguisher whenever­ the boat is operated.

A fire extinguisher is not standard equipment with this boat. If you do not have one, contact your local Yamaha Boat dealer or a fire extinguisher dealer to obtain one meeting the proper specifications.

Access Port Caps

Lift the hatch on the rear platform. Pull up forcefully on the T-handle of each cap. If the cap will move, it is not installed properly. Refer to “Jet Pump Clean-Out Procedure” on page 5-5 for proper installation instructions.
