Org (Original note)
Range: C-2 … C8
Controls: [CS3], [-1] [+1], Dial, Keyboard
This parameter specifies the “original note” to which the pitch of the raw
waveform will be assigned. In addition to the [CS3] slider, the original note
can be specified by pressing the appropriate key on the keyboard if the cursor
is located below the “Org” parameter.
If, for example, the raw sample has a pitch of C3, then setting this param-
eter to “C3” will cause the right note to sound when the C3 key is played. If,
however, the same sample is mapped to C4, then playing the C4 key will
produce a pitch of C3 while playing the C3 will produce a pitch of C2.
Low/High (Low and high limits)
Range: C-2 … C8
Controls: [CS4]/[CS5], [-1] [+1], Dial, Keyboard
These parameters specify the lowest and highest notes on the keyboard on
which the selected sample will sound. In addition to the [CS4] and [CS5]
sliders, the low and high limits can be specified by pressing the appropriate
keys on the keyboard if the cursor is located below the corresponding param-
If “Low” is set to “C1” and “High” is set to “C3”, for example, then the
current sample will sound only when keys between (and including) C1 and C3
are played.
Range: 00 … 63
Controls: [CS8], [-1] [+1], Dial
Selects the sample to be mapped using the “Org”, “Low”, and “High”
The memory area in which the selected sample resides is shown on the
upper display line (“Volatile” or “Non-vol.”), and an inverted key symbol
appears to the right of sample numbers that correspond to copy-protected sam-