Transport motor


Printing basics

In the P640i the card is transported on a belt-driven truck that maintains precise registration through the entire process of picking, cleaning, and multi-pass printing. This means perfect color-to-color registration time after time - no slippage, no deterioration in print quality over time.

Toothed blet

Card truck


Card transport knob

What to expect when you turn on the power

1. Nothing happens for two or three seconds, then;

2. The READY light flashes yellow (indicating that the laminator is warming up), and you will hear

the fan running , and a clicking sound inside the printer (the flip station resetting itself). Finally;

3.After a few minutes (3 to 5), the READY light will show steady green, indicating that the printer is ready to print.

The receiving tray for printed ID cards hooks onto the right side panel.

Power cord entry and ON-OFF switch are located on the rear panel.


P640i Card Printer User Guide

980541-001 Rev. A