

8.The carriage reverses the card into position for the second color pass, magenta (M), fol- lowed by another reverse-and-print cycle for the third color pass, cyan (C).

9.Now fully printed, the card re-enters the flip station, which this time acts only as an eleva- tor (no flipping) to bring the card up to the laminator level.

10.An ejector arm propels the card into the lami- nator infeed rollers, which in turn drive the card between the two white transfer rollers, step 11.


11.Each transfer roller is “loaded” with a patch of laminate, cut from the top and bottom cas- settes shortly after the previous card passed through the laminator.

Upper cassette

12.As the card passes between the transfer rollers the laminate patches are rolled into place. They are then permanently bonded to the card by a pair of heated rollers applying pressure to the top and bottom surfaces.

980541-001 Rev. A

P640i Card Printer User Guide