Print Quality Issues
Possible Cause:
•Print Head is dirty. Solution:
•Clean the Print Head
Possible Cause:
•Print Head elements are damaged (e.g., scratched or burnt). Solution:
•Call Zebra Customer Service for Print Head replacement information.
Example 3 • Printing shows very pale, very dark, or inconsistent results
Possible Cause:
•Ribbon has been stored improperly or is damaged. Solution:
•Change ribbon and print again.
Possible Cause:
•Cards may not meet specifications. Solution:
•Use a different supply of cards.
Possible Cause:
•Contrast and/or Intensity may be set to incorrect values. Solution:
•Adjust Contrast and/or Intensity values in software.
Possible Cause:
•Head Settings are too low / high. Solution:
•Adjust Head Settings higher / lower.
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