68 ZOOM B9.1ut
Effect Types and Paramet ers
EXT LOOP (Externa l Loop) module
This module controls an ex ternal effect co nnected to the EX T LOOP SEND/RETURN j acks. The
external effect send leve l and return level and th e B9.1ut internal signal level ca n be set separately
for each patch. When this mod ule is set to OFF, the external e ffect is defeated .
0 – 100
0 – 100
0 – 100
Adjusts the external effect send level. Adjusts the external effect retur n level.
Adjusts the volume of the original sound i n the
B9.1ut (the level that is input to the EXT LOOP
ZNR (Zoom Noise Reduct ion) module
This module serves for re ducing noise duri ng playing pauses .

ZNR (Zoom Noise Reduct ion)

ZOOM original noise reduc tion which redu ces noise in playi ng pauses witho ut affecting the o verall tone.
1 – 16
Adjusts the ZNR sensitivity. For maximu m noise reduction, set t he value as high as possibl e without causing the
sound to decay unnaturally.
PRE-AMP (Preampli er) module
This module provides simul ation of 21 types of amp li ers and stomp boxes, as well as specia l effects such as
bass synth etc.
* Manufacturer names and p roduct names me ntioned in the tabl e are trademarks o r registered trad emarks of
their respective owners . The names are use d only to illustrate so nic characteri stics and do not indi cate any
af liation with ZOOM CORPORATION.

AmpegSVT SuperBass

Simulation of the ultimate ro ck bass amp, the Amp eg SVT. Simulation of the Marshal l Super Bass that m ade rock histor y.

SWR AmpegB15

Simulation of the SWR SM-90 0, famous for its hi - sound. Simulation of the Ampeg B-15 made famous by the M otown sound of
the 1960s.

Acoustic Aguilar

Simulation of the Acoustic 3 60 well known for it s gutsy midrange . Simulation of the Aguilar DB75 0 famous for its powe rful sound.

Bassman Hartke

Simulation of the Fender Bas sman 100. Simulation of the Hartke HA 3500 famous for it s aluminum cone.

Polytone G-Krue ger

Simulation of the Polytone M ini Brute with its di stinct midran ge, often
used by Jazz musicians.
Simulation of the famous met al bass amp Gall ien Krueger 80 0RB from
the eighties.

Trace WalterWds

Simulation of the Trace Elliot AH -500. Simulation of the Walter Woods p referred by bas sists who are keen o n
the original sound.

TubeP re Sans Amp

ZOOM original tube preampli er sound. Simulation of the Sansamp B ass Driver DI, hig hly popular amo ng bass


Simulation of the Tube Screame r used by many guita rists as a booster. Simulates the ODB-3 overdr ive bass machine f rom Boss.

MXR D.I.+ Fuzz Face

Simulates the MXR Bass D.I.+ dis tortion chann el. Simulation of the Fuzz Face tha t made rock histor y with its zany loo k
and smashing sound.

MetalZone BigMuff

Simulation of the Boss Meta lZone with long su stain and dynami c lower
Simulation of the Electro -Harmonix Big M uff preferre d by famous
artists for its fat, sweet fu zz sound.