92 Joe Z
WAH : Octave AMP : MonoSyn MOD : Chorus REV : Hall Volume
This patch simulates the synth bass of Weather Report's Joe Z awinul.
93 Stanley
WAH : AutoWah AMP : Acoustic MOD : Chorus REV : ModernSpring Volume
This patch simulates the sound of Stanley Clarke on h is famous "School Days". Best for chord
stroking and slap.
CMP : Compressor AMP : AmpegSVT MOD : Chorus DLY : Delay Volum e
This patch simulates the precision bass sound of Iron Ma iden's Steve Harris in his early days.
Great for melodic bass lines.
A1 Miller's
CMP : Limiter AMP : SWR MOD : Chorus DLY : Delay Volume
This patch simulates the slap sound of Marcus Miller. Of cou rse it's great for slap playing.
A2 Victor W
WAH : Octave AMP : Aguilar MOD : Chorus RE V : E/Re ection Volume
This patch simulates the sound of Victor Wooten who is famous for tapping and h igh-speed
slap. Best for use with an active bass.
A3 Jaco MEL
CMP : Compressor AMP : Acoustic MOD : Chorus REV : Hall Volume
Patch simulating the sound of Jaco Pastorius, the master of t he fretless bass. Get the speedy
fretless feel and use it for melodious phrases.
A4 Billy BS
CMP : Compressor AMP : Acoustic MOD : Detune DLY : Delay Volume
This patch simulates the sound of Billy Sheehan famou s for tapping and high-speed play. The
sound is distortion-based and brings out tappi ng play beautifully.
B1 Bootsy
WAH : AutoWah AMP : Hartke MOD : PitchSh ift DLY : Delay Volume
This patch simulates the sound of Bootsy Collins usi ng auto wah. It gives a special Funk tone
with a dash of one-octave higher auto wah.
B2 Flea MM
WAH : AutoWah AMP : Aguilar MOD : Flanger DLY : Delay Volume
This patch gives a tight sound with a characteristic m iddle, inspired by Flea, the bassist of the
Red Hot Chili Peppers.
B3 MarkKing
WAH : X-Phaser AMP : Trace MOD : Chorus REV : Hall WAH:X-Ph aser:X-Fad e
This patch simulates the attack sound of ultra h igh-speed slap bassist Mark King from Level
42. Great for slap.
WAH : AutoWah AMP : SynTlk MOD : Flanger DLY : ReverseDelay Volum e
Experimental patch from the real m of SF. Move the expression pedal horizontally to direct t he
sound like a laser gun.
C1 1up1down
WAH : Octave AMP : AmpegSVT MOD : M onoPitch REV : Hall Volume
Rich sounding patch adding a one-octave up and one- octave down component.
C2 PhaseTap
CMP : Limiter AMP : StdSyn MOD : ST-Chorus DLY : SOS Volume
This phaser patch is convenient for rythmical 16-beat play whi le using mute. Pressing foot
switch 2 in manual mode turns on "Bass Synth" for a gim micky sound.
WAH:8Stag ePhaser: Rate
C3 Ac.Bass
WAH : AutoFilter AMP : Polytone MOD : PitchShift DLY : Delay Volume
This patch simulates the sound of an acoustic bass. Use mute a nd play with your thumb for
even better results.
C4 Gtr uni
CMP : Compressor AMP : MetalZone MOD : MonoPitch DLY : Delay Volume
This patch lets you play a riff in unison with a guita r. Effective for backing up a guitar in a guit ar trio.
D1 3quarter
WAH : Octave AMP : TS9 MOD : Vibe REV : Arena Volu me
Patch using "Octave" and "Vibe". Pressing foot switch 2 in manual mode adds "TS9" distort ion,
great for solos and long tone playing.
D2 Melow SP
WAH : Octave AMP : WalterWds MOD : Detune REV : Hall Volume
Chorus sound for playing a melody in slap style. Pressing foot switch 1 in manual mode adds a
one-octave lower component.
D3 SynLead
CMP : DualComp AMP : Sans Amp MOD : PdlMonoPitch DLY : PingPongDly Vol ume
This patch is most suited for ballads and slow-tempo solos. Moving the expression ped al
horizontally gives a bend-down effect like a harmon ica. Pressing foot switch 4 in manual mode
adds delay for a wider synthesizer sound.
D4 AutoQesq
WAH : AutoWah AMP : Big Muff MOD : Vibe DLY : SOS Volume
This patch is a combination of "Big Muff" and "Auto Wah". Good for solos and lead.
WAH:AutoWah :Resonanc e
E1 HitSound
WAH : Octave AMP : Polyton e MOD : ST-Chorus DLY : Air Volu me
Massive synthesizer type bass sound such as used for backing on hit songs. P ressing foot switch 4 in
manual mode enables the "Air" effect, adding room ambience for an even more solid sound.
E2 Slow Pad
CMP : M Comp AMP : MetalZone MOD : PitchShift DLY : PingPongDly Volume
Synthesizer pad patch using "Slow Attack", resulting in soft sound without overbear ing presence.
WAH:SlowAt tack:Time
E3 Pedal WH
WAH : PedalVox AMP : FuzzFace MOD : X-St ep DLY : Delay (WAH:PedalVox:Frequency)
Rock patch with wild distortion. Pushing down the expre ssion pedal turns "PedalVox" on,
letting you emphasize a bass solo. Horizontal movement of the expression pedal adds "ST EP"
for a gimmick effect.
WAH : 8StagePhaser AMP : Trace MOD : P itchShift REV : AutoPan Volume
Playing a chord with this patch makes it sound as if an electr ic piano is playing along. By
moving the expression pedal horizontally, you can control the "AutoPan" RATE param eter. (This
patch is suitable for line output.)
F1 AmVocode
WAH : AutoWah AMP : TubePre MOD : H.P.S REV : Room Volu me
Patch with Vocoder type sound. "H.P.S" for the patch is set to match a key of C or Am.
F2 ChainSaw
WAH : Tremolo AMP : FuzzFace MO D : Flanger DLY : Delay Volume
Wild distortion based on the image of a chain saw. Pressing foot switch 1 i n manual mode
enables "Tremolo" for an even stronger chain saw effect.
F3 Meteor
CMP : DualComp AMP : StdSy n MOD : PitchShi ft DLY : PingPongDl y Volum e
Synthesizer sound patch. Pressing foot switch 3 in ma nual mode enables the "Pitchshifter"
effect, and foot switch 4 adds "PingPongDly" for a magical feel.
WAH:4Stag ePhaser: Rate
CMP : Limiter AMP : Hart ke MOD : Flanger D LY : Delay Volum e
This patch gives just the right attack and solid bott om for playing with a pick.
G1 CrunchWh
WAH : AutoWah AMP : Acoustic MOD : Air REV : Arena Vol ume
Crunch sound with auto wah for that groovy dance feeli ng.
WAH:AutoWah :Sense
G2 12-Str.G
CMP : DualComp AMP : Sans Amp MOD : Pitc hShift DLY : PingPo ngDly Vol ume
This patch simulates a 12-string guita r that works great when playing arpeggios. (T his patch is
suitable for line output.)
G3 Hold Dly
WAH : Tremolo AMP : ODB-3 MOD : ST-Chorus REV : PanDe lay Volume
Patch using the "Loop" effect. Pressing function foot switch 3 holds t he immediately preceding
sound, letting you overlay a melody.
G4 Fretless
CMP : Compressor AMP : MXR D.I+ MOD : Choru s DLY : PingPongDly Volume
This patch simulates a fretless bass by means of "Slow Attack" rath er than "Defret".
H1 Storm PH
CMP : M Comp AMP : Hartke MOD : Dy namicDelay REV : Hall Volume
Moving the expression pedal horizontally lets you cont rol the RATE parameter of this unique
phase sound.
WAH:8Stag ePhaser: Rate
H2 4VoiceSy
CMP : DualComp AMP : 4VoiceSyn MOD : A-Resonance DLY : ReverseDelay Volume
Synthesizer patch using "4VoiceSyn" with Add9 for the played sound. Most effective when used like a pad.
H3 P-Syn.Am
CMP : DualComp AMP : Pe dalSyn MOD : Detune DLY : PingPo ngDly Vo lume
When you press the function foot switch 2, this peda l synthesizer type patch lets you play
sounds with the foot switches like Moog Taurus. Moving the expression pedal horizontally
shifts the key upwards by as much as one octave.
H4 Live 1
WAH : AutoWah A MP : TS9 MOD : C horus REV : Hall Volume
Basic effect settings useful during a live performance. Compression is the main element, with
foot switches 1 - 4 adding auto wah, distortion, chorus, and r everb.
i1 Live 2
WAH : 4StagePhaser AMP : G-Krueger MOD : Flanger REV : Hall Volume
Basic effect settings useful during a live performance. Compression is the main element, with
foot switches 1 - 4 adding phaser, head amp, anger, and reverb.
WAH : Octave AMP : ODB-3 MOD : Z-Talking DLY : Delay M OD:Z-Talking:Formant V
Distortion sound using "Z-Talking" and the "ODB-3" effect. You can make the bass sound tal k
in a human-like voice using the expression pedal.
MOD:Z-Talking:Formant H
i3 Heli
WAH : Tremolo AMP : MetalZone MOD : AutoWah DLY : Delay REV:Z-Dimension:Depth
Helicopter sound capable of front/back and left/r ight movement. The expression pedal moves
the sound seamlessly in all directions . (This patch is suitable for line output.)
i4 Z-Bubble
CMP : Compressor AMP : TubePre MOD : Z- Echo DLY : PingPong Dly MOD:Z-Echo:Time
Using the expression pedal while playing muted sounds produces a bubbly ki nd of sound, while
using the expression pedal during regular playing g ives an effect like a tape being rewound.
(This patch is suitable for line output.)
WAH : AutoWah AMP : AmpegSVT MOD : Chorus REV : AutoPan REV:AutoPan:Rate
Stereo patch using "AutoPan". The expression pedal can be used to control rotation rate a nd
width. (This patch is suitable for line output.)
WAH : AutoWah AMP : Meta lZone MOD : Flanger REV : Z-Tornado REV:Z-Tornado:Mix
Jet sound patch combining "Flanger" and the distor tion effect "MetalZone". Operating the
expression pedal causes the jet sound to rotate. (T his patch is suitable for line output.)
J3 Step
CMP : Compressor AMP : ODB-3 MOD : Step DLY : PingPongDly REV:Z-Tornado:Rate
This patch is designed for solo playing and uses the "Step" effect. The expression pe dal can be
used to control sound rotation. (This patch is su itable for line output.)
J4 Z-Cats
CMP : DualComp AMP : StdSy n MOD : PdlMonoPitch DLY : PingPongDly MOD:PdlMonoPitch:PdlPosi
Moving the expression pedal lets you play along with a cat chorus. (This p atch is suitable for
line output.)
• Adju st the ZNR value to achieve an optimum match with the bass
guitar and amp that you are using.
• When us ing a bass amp, the EQ should be set to the at setting.
Manufacturer names and product names mentioned in this patch list are trademarks or registered trade-
marks of their respective owners and do not indicate any af liation with ZOOM CORPORATION. All p roduct
and artist names are intended only to illustrate sonic ch aracteristics that were used as refere nce in the devel-
opment of this product.