Chapter 26 Configuration: LLDP

Figure 141 Configuration > LLDP > MED Network Policy > Add/Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 123 Configuration > LLDP > MED Network Policy > Edit



MED Port Location Edit





Select the index of network policy




Select the Application type indicating the primary function of the application(s) defined for


this network policy, advertised by an Endpoint or Network Connectivity Device. The possible


application types are shown below.



Voice - for use by dedicated IP Telephony handsets and other similar appli-



ances supporting interactive voice services. These devices are typically



deployed on a separate VLAN for ease of deployment and enhanced security



by isolation from data applications.



Voice Signalling - for use in network topologies that require a different pol-



icy for the voice signalling than for the voice media.



Guest Voice - to support a separate limited feature-set voice service for



guest users and visitors with their own IP Telephony handsets and other sim-



ilar appliances supporting interactive voice services.



Guest Voice Signalling - for use in network topologies that require a differ-



ent policy for the guest voice signalling than for the guest voice media.



Softphone Voice - for use by softphone applications on typical data centric



devices, such as PCs or laptops.



Video Conferencing - for use by dedicated Video Conferencing equipment



and other similar appliances supporting real-time interactive video/audio ser-






Streaming Video - for use by broadcast or multicast based video content



distribution and other similar applications supporting streaming video ser-



vices that require specific network policy treatment. Video applications rely-



ing on TCP with buffering would not be an intended use of this application






Video Signalling - for use in network topologies that require a separate pol-



icy for the video signalling than for the video media.






GS1900 Series User’s Guide