Chapter 7 Monitor: PortTable 23 Monitor > Port > Port > Status (continued)



StateThis is port admin setting state.



Link Status

This field displays Up or Down. When port is linked, it displays Up; otherwise, Down


is shown.



SpeedView the speed of the Ethernet connection on this port.



DuplexView the duplex mode of the Ethernet connection on this port.



FlowCtrl Status

A concentration of traffic on a port decreases port bandwidth and overflows buffer


memory causing packet discards and frame losses. Flow Control is used to regulate


transmission of signals to match the bandwidth of the receiving port.



TypeView the type on this port.



7.2.2 Port Counters

Use this screen to view the Switch’s port counters settings. Click Monitor > Port > Port > Port Counters to access this screen.

Figure 34 Monitor > Port > Port > Port Counters

Each field is described in the following table.

Table 24 Monitor > Port > Port > Port Counters








This field displays the port.





GS1900 Series User’s Guide