Chapter 9 Applications

Table 42 Applications > Broadcatching > Add Channel



Delete Policy

Set how the NSA handles deleting the items downloaded from the




Manual: Only delete individual files you select later in the


Broadcatching screen.


Keep last N of items: Select this to set the NSA to only keep a


number of the channel’s most recent files. When this number has


been reached, if the NSA downloads another file from the channel, it


deletes the oldest file from the NSA.



Location of

This shows where the NSA stores new downloads (Put incomplete

Downloaded Files

downloads in) and where the NSA moves completed downloads


(Move completed downloads to).


The Share column shows the name of the share where the file is




The Path column points to the location in the share where the NSA


will save the downloaded files.


• BitTorrent jobs are stored in /*/incoming (where ‘*’ is a folder


that you have set.)


• HTTP/FTP jobs are stored in /* (where ‘*’ is a folder that you have




• All jobs triggered by RSS channels create the subfolder in /* using


the channel name where it store all files downloaded from that


channel (where ‘*’ is a folder that you have set.)





NSA320 User’s Guide