Chapter 10 Package Management

10.11 Restore Screen

Use this screen to restore previous backups made with the NSA, including archives and folders from internal, external or remote NSAs to the NSA.

10.11.1 Restore: Step 1

You can access this screen by clicking Protect > Restore.

Figure 150 Protect > Restore: Step 1

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 77 Protect > Restore: Step 1



Step 1. Select

Select a previous archive backup that you want to restore to the NSA.

Restore Source

Select Remote NSA if the file is in another NSA in the network that



you used for your backup. Fill in the fields below when you choose


this option.


Select Internal or External Volume if you want to use another


volume in the NSA or an attached USB hard disk for your backup.


Click Browse to select the backup file.



IP Address

Enter the address of the NSA you want to use.




Enter the username you use to access the NSA.




Enter the password of your NSA account.



Share Name

Enter the name of the share you want to use.



Test Connection

Click this to test your connection to the remote NSA that you have


specified in the fields above.





NSA320 User’s Guide