Omni.Net Lite User’s Guide

Table 14 AT Data Command Sets Requiring an "AT" Prefix









Display user data.






Display phone number of calling site and user data.






Enable/Disable extended result code.






Basic result code (default).






Extended result code.






Reload user-defined profile.






DCD signal control.






Follow DTR signal.






ON only if in communication (default).






DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal control.






Ignore DTR signal, assume DTR is always ON.






DTR OFF-ON transition causes dial of an outgoing call using the



first pre-stored phone number.



DTR OFF causes the modem to hang up (default).






Restore the factory default.






Set flow control mode.






Disable flow control.






Enable CTS/RTS flow control (default).






Enable XON/XOFF flow control.






DSR (Data Set Ready) signal control.






Follow DTR signal (default).






Follow DCD signal.






Display all data parameters settings.






Save current parameters setting, include &-leading and non-



leading parameters, as user defined profile.



Select DTE baud rate when system is powered on.



n=8: 9600 bps



n=11: 19200 bps



n=13: 38400 bps



n=16: 57600 bps



n=17: 115200 bps (default)



n=21: 230400 bps






Select DTE attribute when system is powered on.



n=0: 8 data bits, non parity (default)



n=1: 7 data bits, even parity



n=2: 7 data bits, odd parity






Dial an outgoing data call automatically if there is pre-stored



dialing number after system is powered on.



n=0: do nothing (default)



n=1: auto-dial after power on





Chapter 3 Using AT Commands