P-660R/H-D Series User’s Guide

16.2 Bandwidth Classes and Filters

Use bandwidth classes and child-classes to allocate specific amounts of bandwidth capacity (bandwidth budgets). Configure a bandwidth filter to define a bandwidth class (or child-class) based on a specific application and/or subnet. Use the Class Setup screen (see Section 16.12 on page 168) to set up a bandwidth class’s name, bandwidth allotment, and bandwidth filter. You can configure up to one bandwidth filter per bandwidth class. You can also configure bandwidth classes without bandwidth filters. However, it is recommended that you configure child-classes with filters for any classes that you configure without filters. The Prestige leaves the bandwidth budget allocated and unused for a class that does not have a filter itself or child- classes with filters. View your configured bandwidth classes and child-classes in the Class Setup screen (see Section 16.12 on page 168 for details).

The total of the configured bandwidth budgets for child-classes cannot exceed the configured bandwidth budget speed of the parent class.

16.3 Proportional Bandwidth Allocation

Bandwidth management allows you to define how much bandwidth each class gets; however, the actual bandwidth allotted to each class decreases or increases in proportion to actual available bandwidth.

16.4 Application-based Bandwidth Management

You can create bandwidth classes based on individual applications (like VoIP, Web, FTP, E- mail and Video for example).

16.5 Subnet-based Bandwidth Management

You can create bandwidth classes based on subnets.

The following figure shows LAN subnets. You could configure one bandwidth class for subnet A and another for subnet B.


Chapter 16 Media Bandwidth Management Advanced Setup