Figure 125 Menu 12 Static Route Setup
Menu 12 - Static Route Setup
1. IP Static Route
3. Bridge Static Route
Please enter selection:
From menu 12, select 1 to open Menu 12.1 — IP Static Route Setup (shown next).
Figure 126 Menu 12.1 IP Static Route Setup
Menu 12.1 - IP Static Route Setup 1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________
6. ________
7. ________
8. ________
9. ________
10. | ________ |
11. | ________ |
12. | ________ |
13. | ________ |
14. | ________ |
15. | ________ |
16. | ________ |
Enter selection number:
Now, type the route number of a static route you want to configure.
Figure 127 Menu12.1.1 Edit IP Static Route
Menu 12.1.1 - Edit IP Static Route
Route #: 1
Route Name= ?
Active= No
Destination IP Address= ?
IP Subnet Mask= ?
Gateway IP Address= ?
Metric= 2
Private= No
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
223 | Chapter 24 Static Route Setup |