| ZyWALL 10 Internet Security Gateway | ||
| ======= Debug Command Listing ======= |
| ||
| AT | just answer OK |
| ATHE | print help |
| ATBAx | change baudrate. 1:38.4k, 2:19.2k, 3:9.6k 4:57.6k 5:115.2k |
| ATENx,(y) | set BootExtension Debug Flag (y=password) |
| ATSE | show the seed of password generator |
| ATTI(h,m,s) | change system time to hour:min:sec or show current time |
| ATDA(y,m,d) | change system date to year/month/day or show current date |
| ATDS | dump RAS stack |
| ATDT | dump Boot Module Common Area |
| ATDUx,y | dump memory contents from address x for length y |
| ATWBx,y | write address x with |
| ATWWx,y | write address x with |
| ATWLx,y | write address x with |
| ATRBx | display the |
| ATRWx | display the |
| ATRLx | display the |
| ATGO(x) | run program at addr x or boot router |
| ATGR | boot router |
| ATGT | run Hardware Test Program |
| AT%Tx | Enable Hardware Test Program at boot up |
| ATBTx | block0 write enable (1=enable, other=disable) |
| ATRTw,x,y(,z) | RAM test level w, from address x to y (z iterations) |
| ATWEa(,b,c,d) | write MAC addr, Country code, EngDbgFlag, FeatureBit to flash ROM |
| ATCUx | write Country code to flash ROM |
| ATCB | copy from FLASH ROM to working buffer |
| ATCL | clear working buffer |
| ATSB | save working buffer to FLASH ROM |
| ATBU | dump manufacturer related data in working buffer |
| ATSH | dump manufacturer related data in ROM |
| ATWMx | set MAC address in working buffer |
| ATCOx | set country code in working buffer |
| ATFLx | set EngDebugFlag in working buffer |
| ATSTx | set ROMRAS address in working buffer |
| ATSYx | set system type in working buffer |
| ATVDx | set vendor name in working buffer |
| ATPNx | set product name in working buffer |
| ATFEx,y,... | set feature bits in working buffer |
| ATMP | check & dump memMapTab |
| ATDOx,y | download from address x for length y to PC via XMODEM |
| ATTD | download router configuration to PC via XMODEM |
| ATUPx,y | upload to RAM address x for length y from PC via XMODEM |
| ATUR | upload router firmware to flash ROM |
| ATLC | upload router configuration file to flash ROM |
| ATUXx(,y) | xmodem upload from flash block x to y |
| ATERx,y | erase flash rom from block x to y |
| ATWFx,y,z | copy data from addr x to flash addr y, length z |
| ATXSx | xmodem select: x=0: CRC mode(default); x=1: checksum mode |
| ATLOa,b,c,d | Int/Trap Log Cmd |
| Figure |
System Maintenance & Information |