| ZyWALL 10 Internet Security Gateway |
| TFTP |
| Trivial File Transfer Protocol is an Internet file transfer protocol similar to FTP (File |
| Transfer Protocol), but it is scaled back in functionality so that it requires fewer |
| resources to run. TFTP uses the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) rather than TCP |
| (Transmission Control Protocol). |
Trojan or Trojan Horse
Like the fabled gift to the residents of Troy, a Trojan Horse is an application designed to look innocuous. Yet, when you run the program it installs a virus or memory resident application that can steal passwords, corrupt data, or provide hackers a back door into your computer. Trojan applications are particularly dangerous since they can often run exactly as expected without showing any visible signs of intrusion.
UDP is a connectionless transport service that dispenses with the reliability services provided by TCP. UDP gives applications a direct interface with IP and the ability to address a particular application process running on a host via a port number without setting up a connection session.
A widely used operating system in large networks.
(Uniform Resource Locator) URL is an object on the Internet or an intranet that resides on a host system. Objects include directories and an assortment of file types, including text files, graphics, video, and audio. A URL is the address of an object that is normally typed in the Address field of a Web browser. The URL is basically a pointer to the location of an object.
| Virtual Private Network. These networks use public connections (such as the Internet) to |
| transfer information. That information is usually encrypted for security purposes. |
Point where a system can be attacked.
Wide Area Network s link geographically dispersed offices in other cities or around the globe. Just about any
War Dialer |
| A program that automatically dials phone numbers looking for computers on the other |
| end. They catalog numbers so that hackers can call back and try to break in. |
Warez |
| A term that describes Pirated Software on the Internet. Warez include cracked games or |
| other programs that software pirates distribute on the Internet |
Wire Tapping |
| Connecting to a network and monitoring all traffic. Most wire tapping features can only |
| monitor the traffic on their subnet. |
Worm |
| A program that seeks access into other computers. Once a worm penetrates another |
| computer it continues seeking access to other areas. Worms are often equipped with |
| |
| penetrate more systems. Worms often steal or vandalize computer data. |
WWW(World Wide Web)
Second, the universe of hypertext servers (HTTP servers).
Glossary of Terms | W |