Cerwin-Vega VE-5C, VE-28S E N G L I S, plaCEMEnt VE-8, VE-12, VE-15 flooR-StanDIng, polaRIty

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plaCEMEnt (VE-8, VE-12, VE-15 flooR-StanDIng

pRIoR to InStallatIon

Carefully unpack your speaker, saving the box and all of the packing material; at some point you may need to transport, ship, or move your speaker. Before continuing with the installation, please make sure your A/V receiver, processor, preamplifier, or amplifier’s power switch is turned “OFF.”


Please read the following to determine which installation procedure is best for your audio/video system. For additional hook-up connections, you may want to refer to your A/V receiver, processor, preamplifier, or amplifier’s manual. NOTE: Be sure to read and observe the “Safety Instructions” on preceding page before starting the installation.


As mentioned earlier, all connections should be made with the equipment turned off. Use high quality speaker wire (16-gauge or heavier) to connect your speakers to your A/V receiver, processor, preamplifier, or amplifier. Connect the positive terminal on the speaker (marked "+" and colored red) to the positive terminal on the A/V receiver, processor, preamplifier, or amplifier and connect the negative terminal on the speaker (marked "-" and colored black) to the negative terminal on the A/V receiver, processor, preamplifier, or amplifier. In any case, make sure that the wiring polarity remains consistent throughout the system in order to maintain correct polarity (see figure 1). Failure to observe correct polarity will result in poor sound balance, decreased imaging, and worst of all, decreased bass response. Refer to the owner’s manual provided by your receiver/preamp/processor manufacturer.

plaCEMEnt (VE-5M bookShElf SpEakERS)




left and right channels, place the speakers




tweeters are


ear level


normal seated position) and are on either




video receiver



(see Figure 2). You can place the speakers on bookshelves or use speaker stands, which are readily available from your local home audio retailer. For use as a rear channel surround speaker, avoid corners of the room and experiment with different locations until you find a pleasing effect. Refer to the owner’s manual provided by your receiver/ preamp/processor manufacturer for speaker placement when using different surround effects (i.e., Dolby Digital, DTS).

plaCEMEnt (VE-5C CEntER ChannEl SpEakERS)

Ideally, the Center Channel Speaker should be in the middle between the front left and right main speakers and face toward the viewing area (see Figure 2). The tweeter should be at ear level (i.e., normal seated position). If possible, position the speaker and (left/right) bookshelf speakers to form a straight line.

plaCEMEnt (VE-8, VE-12, VE-15 flooR-StanDIng


Use figure 2 as an initial guide for speaker placement, keeping in mind that most rooms are far from ideal and different speaker locations produce different sounds. If the bass is too prominent, try moving the speakers away from the walls. If you need more bass, move the speakers closer to the rear walls. Keep the speakers about 1 1/2 feet (45 cm) away from the sidewalls and 1 foot (30 cm) out from the rear wall and about 6 feet (2 meters) from each other.





Distortion with volume


turn down volume control on

control on receiver/

receiver/amplifier clips audio


amplifier near


Set bass flat; use controls



tone controls are set too high






Distortion with volume

Defective receiver or

Repair defective receiver,

control near minimum

preamplifier; shorted speaker

preamplifier or replace



speaker wires

Distortion on music

Dynamic soundtrack (e.g.,

turn down volume control to

peaks or sound


lower overall range; use a



more powerful




Buzz, hum, or crackle

Connecting wires with power

Connect wires only when

when connecting

on causes transient signal

audio system power is off




Buzz or hum when

Grounding problem or ground

Check receiver or

system is on


preamplifier manual for



ground loop elimination

no sound after

amplifier’s thermal protection is

turn down volume control

listening at high levels


and allow amplifier to cool



down; sound should resume








A room’s size, shape, and furnishings will greatly influence the overall sound of an Audio/Video Sound System. However, you can optimize the sound potential of your A/V system in the following ways:

Keep the path from the speakers to the viewing area free from obstructions



(e.g., furniture, potted plants, etc.).


If the room is ”live” (e.g., plaster walls, wood floors, glass windows, etc.) and produces



echoes, try closing the drapes, adding a throw rug, or consider using sound-absorbing





Cerwin-Vega! Audio/Video systems can produce intense low frequencies, so don’t



be surprised to initially hear rattles and buzzes coming from furniture and other



objects; try repositioning or removing offending suspects (e.g., vase on mantle) or


placing felt pads under vibrating items.













Figure 1









A/V Receiver/Processor/Preamplifier

Speaker Inputs













Caution! This product is designed for specific placement. Do not suspend, hang or wall mount an VE-5M or VE-5C with any brackets, cables, chains or hooks. Place these components only on bookshelves, appropriate stands, or on top of a television /monitor.

The VE-8, VE-12, and VE-15 speakers are intended for floor placement only! Do not place heavy objects of any type, such as televisions on top of any Cerwin-Vega! speaker unless otherwise recommended by Cerwin-Vega!! VE Series speakers are for residential applications only.


Image 5
Contents DUal 8” powERED SUbwoofER a U D I o V I D E o S p E a k E R SVE SERIES V E - 5 MSpanISh EnglIShgERMan fREnChCERwIn-VEga’S lIMItED waRRanty iMPORTANT SAFETY iNSTRUCTiONS IMpoRtant SyMbolS anD SafEty InStRUCtIonSExPlANATiON OF GRAPhiC SYMbOlS SpEakERplaCEMEnt plaCEMEnt VE-8, VE-12, VE-15 flooR-StanDIngE N G L I S polaRItyS u b w o o f e r I n s t a l l a t i o n tRoUblEShootIngplaCEMEnt Page ¡bIEnVEnIDo a la faMIlIa gaRantÍa lIMItaDa DE CERwIn-VEga¿QUIÉn EStÁ CUbIERto poR ESta gaRantÍa? ¿QUÉ CUbRE ESta gaRantÍa?ExPliCACiÓN DE SÍMbOlOS GRÁFiCOS SÍMboloS IMpoRtantES E InStRUCCIonES DE SEgURIDaDUbICaCIÓn altaVoCES DE pISo VE-8, VE-12y VE-15 S PA N I S Hfigura polaRIDaDUbICaCIÓn DE altaVoCES pRoblEMaS y SolUCIonESI n s t a l a c i ó n d e l S u b w o o f e r figura figurafigura ConExIÓnDE lowfREQUEnCy EffECtS lfECERwIn-VEgaS EIngESChRÄnktE gEwÄhRlEIStUng ERKlÄRUNG DER SYMbOlE polUng bildungabbildung laUtSpREChERanoRDnUnganoRDnUng I n s t a l l a t i o n d i e S u b w o o f e r sabbildung abbildungabbildung nIEDERfREQUEnZEffEktanSChlUSSbIEnVEnUE DanS la faMIllE gaRantIE lIMItÉE DE CERwIn-VEgaQUI ESt CoUVERt paR CEttE gaRantIE? QUESt-CE QUI ESt CoUVERt paR CEttE gaRantIE?SyMbolES Et InStRUCtIonS DE SECURItE IMpoRtantS haUt-paRlEURS DE Sol VE-8, VE-12,VE15 F R E N CpolaRItÉ poSItIonnEMEnt DES haUt-paRlEURSpoSItIonnEMEnt Installation Du Haut-ParleurDextrêmes Gravesfigura figurafigura ConExIÓn DE lowfREQUEnCy EffECtS lfEPage LITH00019 11/11/2009 772 S. Military Trail Deerfield Beach, FLPhone +1 954 Fax +1