Windows NT 4.0
Driver Installation
1.Install Windows NT4.0 as you normally would for a VGA display. First click the Start button, go to Settings and click on Control Panel. Choose the Display icon and click on the icon. In the Display Properties window, click on the Set- tings tab. Then click on Change Display Type. In the Change Display Type window, click on the Change button under Adapter Type. This will bring up the Select Device window.
2.Place the WindowsÔ NT Display Driver Diskette in drive A. In the Select Device window, click on Have Disk, Press <ENTER> and the name of the Chips and Technologies, Inc.
Video Controller driver will appear highlighted in the Mod- els list box. Select Chips and Tech. 65548 PCI(new) and Click OK to install the selected driver. Click OK to install the selected driver.
3.Once the installation is complete, the Change Display Type window will reappear. Click on Close to close the window. Then the Display Properties window will reappear. Click on Apply. Restart the system for new settings to take effect.
Chapter 5 Flat Panel/ CRT Controller 73