and associated documentation. Hardware is operated by software and firmware.
20pound/75 gsm paper. The
hexadecimal Numbering system with a base of 16. In this system, 10 through 15 are represented by A through F, respectively.
hierarchy Relative priority assigned to arithmetic or logical operations that must be performed.
host Computer accessed by users which serves as a source of high- speed data processing for workstations with less computer power. See also mainframe.
host interface Connection between network and host computer.
icon Symbol appearing on the PC UI or printer control console that can be opened to display a window or screen options.
id identifier. Character used to identify or name data and possibly to indicate certain properties of that data.
image area Area on a physical page that may contain text or graphics.
information processing Generic term encompassing both word and data processing, used to describe the entire scope of operations performed by a computer.
initialize 1. To prepare the magnetic surface of a blank diskette so that it can accept data. 2. To set all information in a computer system to its starting values (usually the first step is accomplished when a program is booted).
input Data or text introduced into a
input/output General term encompassing the flow of data into and out of a system.
input processing Formatting control for the pages of a report.