Technical Description
The MatrixPRO Serial Digital switcher is available in three versions.
The 16x16
The 8x8
The 16x16
The output gain is unity into 75 ohm loads. All video signals are carried on BNCs for the highest signal quality.
A matrix switcher can route any input to any output (or multiple) outputs. The matrix switcher has built in capabilities to group outputs and route a single input to that group.
The router has the ability to switch inputs to outputs during the vertical interval. In practice, this feature will be used to switch synchronous sources. Channel 1 is the source for vertical interval switching. The feature can be enabled or disabled.
If there is a signal present on channel 1, status will be reported as valid. If there is no signal present, status will be reported as invalid.
The reclocking circuits clean up marginal input signals. There are times when the signal quality is much worse than marginal, but still produces a usable picture. In this case, the reclocking circuits should be disabled because they will be ineffective at improving image quality.
The MatrixPRO 16x and 8x series can be controlled by the front panel,
The MatrixPRO product line has been specifically designed to work as the
MatrixPRO • 16x16 and 8x8 |
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