Barco HD/SD-SDI, 16x16, 8x8 manual BèìáéãÉåí=pÉíìé, OÉãçíÉ=bíÜÉêåÉí=pÉíìé

Page 45

4. GUI Installation and Operation

Equipment Setup


„Use the following steps to set up equipment:

1.Connect the input and output sources on the MatrixPRO.

2.Connect the MatrixPRO remote port to an available serial (RS-232) port on the laptop/PC with the MatrixPRO Control application installed.

3.Turn on the MatrixPRO and wait for a complete system boot up.

4.After the MatrixPRO has successfully booted up, run the MatrixPRO Control application by clicking Start > Programs > Folsom Research > MPControl.


„Use the following steps to control the MatrixPRO using a computer on the same LAN:

1.Pre-configure MatrixPRO with a static IP address using the RS-232 ipconfig command, program the MatrixPRO using the GUI over RS-232, or use the front panel menu system.

2.On the remote computer, launch the GUI.

3.Press NO when the dialog asks if you would like to connect serially.

4.Click the Setup Tab.

5.Enter the IP address of the MatrixPRO in the IP address box.

6.Click the Ethernet radio button under the RS-232 heading. The MatrixPRO now will be under the control of the GUI.

Please note the following important points:

Only one Ethernet socket is available — so only one remote GUI can be accommodated at one time. However, MatrixPRO can still be controlled via RS- 232, RS-485 or the Front Panel while being controlled over Ethernet.

If the unit is controlled by other sources, press Update Status as necessary to find the current status of the MatrixPRO.

If an operation such as a route is not completed by using a Take command via the Front Panel or by serial command, the GUI can fall into an unknown state and operation may become unreliable.

To prevent any mis-operation, it is recommended that the Front Panel Lockout be activated on the GUI.

MatrixPRO • 16x16 and 8x8 HD/SD-SDI Router • User’s Guide




Image 45
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