Barco 8x8, HD/SD-SDI, 16x16 manual Take Button

Page 26

3. Operation

MatrixPRO Front Panels

3)Input Crosspoint Selection Buttons

At the right-side of the front panel, the 8x and 16x routers each have a set of eight input selection switches on the top row. On the 16x only, unshifted input buttons access inputs 1-8; shifted buttons access inputs 9-16.

Routing operation resembles the industry standard procedure — select a destination (output), select a source (input) and press TAKE.

4)TAKE Button

Once input and output selections are made, press TAKE to complete a route.

5)Menu Navigation Buttons

Two buttons are provided for menu navigation. Within the menu structure:

~Press SEL to enter a menu, change a parameter and accept a parameter.

~Press ESC to exit a menu without making changes, and to navigate up the menu tree.

Refer to the “Main Menu” section for additional menu navigation instructions.

6)Output Crosspoint Selection Buttons

At the right-side of the front panel, The 8x and 16x routers each have a set of eight output selection switches on the bottom row. On the 16x only, unshifted output buttons access outputs 1-8; shifted buttons access outputs 9-16.

Routing operation resembles the industry standard procedure — select a destination (output), select a source (input) and press TAKE.

7)SHIFT Buttons

On the 16x router only, the two SHIFT keys allows access to inputs 9 through 16, and outputs 9 through 16. When the SHIFT key is pressed for the adjacent row, the button lights to indicate that inputs (or outputs) 9 through 16 can be accessed.

Please continue with the “Menu Structure” section, which describes all menu displays in the MatrixPRO Digital product line.



MatrixPRO • 16x16 and 8x8 HD/SD-SDI Router • User’s Guide


Image 26
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