Diagnostics and Maintenance
6.2.2Maintenance requirements
(1)Preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance is not required.
(2)Service life
See "(3) Service life," in Subsection 2.1.5.
(3)Parts that can be replaced in the field
The PCBA cannot be replaced in the field. The DE cannot be replaced in the field.
(4)Service system and repairs
Fujitsu has the service system and repair facility for the HDD. Contact Fujitsu representative to submit information for replacing or repairing the HDD. Generally, the following information must be included:
a)Model part number (P/N), revision number, serial number (S/N), and date of manufacturing
b)Error status
•Date when the error occurred
•System configuration
•Environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and voltage)
c)Error history
d)Error contents
•Outline of inconvenience
•Issued commands and specified parameters
•Sense data
•Other error analysis information
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