Configuring Interfaces
Following is an example of a basic configuration procedure:
Step 1 At the
terminal will be the source of the configuration subcommands, as follows:
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Step 2 For the Cisco 7200 series and Cisco uBR7200 series routers, at the prompt specify the first interface to configure by entering the subcommand interface, followed by the type (hssi) and slot/interface (port adapter slot number and interface number). The example that follows is for the first interface of the port adapter in slot 2.
Router(config)# interface hssi 2/0
Note For the Cisco 7206 and Cisco 7206VXR router shelves, the interface specified in the above example would include a shelf number. For example, the command interface hssi 5/2/0 would specify the first HSSI interface of the port adapter in slot 2 of Cisco 7206 or Cisco 7206VXR router shelf 5.
For the VIP2, at the prompt specify the first interface to configure by entering the subcommand interface, followed by the type (hssi) and slot/port adapter/interface (interface processor slot number). The example that follows is for the first interface of the first port adapter on a VIP2 in interface processor slot 1:
Router(config)# interface hssi 1/0/0
For the Catalyst RSM/VIP2, at the prompt specify the first interface to configure by entering the subcommand interface, followed by the type (hssi) and port adapter/interface. The example that follows is for the first interface of the first port adapter on a Catalyst RSM/VIP2:
Router(config)# interface hssi 0/0
Step 3 If IP routing is enabled on the system, you can assign an IP address and subnet mask to the interface with the ip address configuration subcommand, as in the following example:
Step 4 Add any additional configuration subcommands required to enable routing protocols and set the interface characteristics.
Step 5 Change the shutdown state to up and enable the interface as follows:
Step 6 Configure additional interfaces as required.
Step 7 When you have included all of the configuration subcommands to complete the configuration, press
Step 8 Write the new configuration to nonvolatile memory as follows:
Router# copy
Cable Installation and Interface Configuration