Power-Up Procedure
Perform this procedure to power up your Cisco universal gateway and verify that it goes through its initialization and
Note To view the boot sequence through a terminal session, you must have a console connection to the Cisco universal gateway before it powers up. To connect to the console, see the “Connect a Console Terminal” section on page 16.
Step 1 Move the power switch to the ON position. The system board OK LED should come on, and messages will begin to appear in your terminal emulation program window.
Caution Do not press any keys on the keyboard until the messages stop. Any keys pressed during this time are interpreted as the first command typed when the messages stop, which might cause the universal gateway to power down and start over. It takes a few minutes for the messages to stop.
Note A Cisco AS5350XM or Cisco AS5400XM universal gateway with the maximum number of packet voice data modules, version 2 (PVDM2) modules installed can take up to six minutes to boot from
Note The messages displayed depend on the Cisco IOS software release and on the cards that are installed in your system. The screen displays in this section are for reference only and might not exactly match the messages on your console.
The messages look similar to the following:
System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(12r)PI6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
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Copyright (c) 2004 by cisco Systems, Inc.
AS5400XM platform with 524288 Kbytes of main memory
Self decompressing the image :
#################################################################################################### [OK]
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cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California
Cisco IOS Software, 5400 Software
Copyright (c)
Cisco AS5400XM (BCM) processor (revision 0x21) with 393215K/131072K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID JAB082904P4