Note The modem speed 115200 bps and hardware flow control are the default settings for integrated modems.
To configure the lines and ports to allow users to dial in to your network, follow these steps:
Step 1 Use the enable command and password to enter privileged EXEC mode. You are in privileged EXEC mode when the prompt changes to Gateway#.
Gateway> enable
Password: password
Step 2 Enter global configuration mode. You are in global configuration mode when the prompt changes to Gateway(config)#.
Gateway# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Step 3 Specify the country for which to set parameters such as country code and encoding. This setting is applied at the system level. All feature cards use the same country code. The default is usa if the gateway is configured with T1 interfaces; the default is
Note All sessions on all feature cards in all slots must be idle for this command to run.
Gateway(config)# spe country country name
Step 4 Enter the numbers of ports to configure. If you want to configure 108 ports on slot 3, enter line 3/00 3/107. If you want to configure 324 ports on slots 3 through 5, enter line 3/00 5/323.
Gateway(config)# line slot/port slot/port
Step 5 Allow all protocols to be used when connecting to the line:
Step 6 Enable remote IP users running a PPP application to dial in, bypass the EXEC facility, and connect directly to the network:
Step 7 Enable incoming and outgoing calls:
Step 8 Return to privileged EXEC mode:
Tip To save the gateway configuration, save it to NVRAM. See the “Saving Configuration Changes” section on page 60.
Verifying the SPE Configuration
To verify your SPE configuration, use the following commands:
•To display a summary for all the lines, enter the show spe command:
Gateway# show spe