C H A P T E R 3
MIB Specifications
This chapter describes each Management Information Base (MIB) on the Cisco 7304 router. Each description lists any constraints about how the MIB is implemented on the Cisco 7304 router platform.
Unless noted otherwise, the Cisco 7304 implementation of a MIB follows the standard. Any objects not listed in a table are implemented as defined in the MIB. For detailed MIB descriptions, see the MIB.
Note Not all MIBs included in a Cisco IOS software release are fully supported by the router. Some MIBs are not supported at all. Other MIBs might work, but they have not been tested on the router. In addition, some MIBs are deprecated but cannot be removed from the software. The fact that the MIB is included in the image does not necessarily mean it is supported by the Cisco 7304 platform.
Note The RFC versions are listed to show the MIB versions we support.
Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide
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