,6˜3¦F•˜":1˜"m=˜/"2' | %•F"›amV˜"m˜'h¤d"›F=˜/"2˜˜ |
Note If configured devices fail to join the VLAN, see Chapter 4, Section 4.2.2, “UNI Routes.” Also, see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, “Troubleshooting IP Over ATM.”
You have completed the process for creating an IP over ATM VLAN. Continue to the next section for instructions on creating an emulated LAN or go to Chapter 4, “Switch Administration,” for information about SmartSwitch 9A100 switch operations and maintenance.
3.1.1ATM Addressing for IP over ATM
The SmartSwitch 9A100 provides a default format for ATM addresses used by IP over ATM. The default format is constructed as follows:
netprefix + two zero bytes + IP address of the device (in hex) + a trailing zero byte
Where the netprefix is constructed from
39 + nine zero bytes + the last three bytes of the device’s MAC address
For instance, if the switch’s MAC address is 00:20:D4:14:41:80 and the switch’s client IP address is, then the
Where 39:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:14:41:80 = netprefix 00:00 = two trailing zeros
5A:01:01:01 = IP address in hexadecimal 00 = trailing zeros byte
This section describes the steps for implementing an Ethernet Emulated LAN (ELAN) on your SmartSwitch 9A100 switch. The following assumptions are made:
•The SmartSwitch 9A100 switch will contain a client on the ELAN.
•All end nodes (computers, edge devices, other switches, and so on) support the Well Known LECS Address or can obtain the address of the LECS using ILMI.
•All end nodes support Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs).
Note An ELAN comes
SmartSwitch 9A100 User Guide