Command | SIS Command | Response | Additional Description |
| (Host to Unit to Endpoint) | (Endpoint to Unit to Host) |
XTP CrossPoint 1600 and 3200 • Remote Control
Audio mutes
Audio mute, HDMI and S/PDIF Audio mute, analog
Audio mute, both Audio unmute Read audio mute
Global audio mute, HDMI and
Global audio mute, analog Global audio mute, both Global audio unmute
View video and audio mutes
View output mutes
Example :
(XTP CrossPoint 3200)
X@*1Z | AmtX@*1] |
X@*2Z | AmtX@*2] |
X@*3Z | AmtX@*3] |
X@*0Z | AmtX@*0] |
X@Z | X1)] |
1*Z | Amt1] |
2*Z | Amt2] |
3*Z | Amt3] |
0*Z | Amt0] |
EVM} | X2%1X2%2... X2%n] |
Mute output X@ embedded digital (audio off). Mute output X@ analog (analog audio off).
Mute all output X@ audio (digital and analog audio off). Unmute output X@ (digital and analog audio on).
1 = mute on, 0 = mute off.
Mute all embedded digital audio outputs.
Mute all analog audio outputs.
Mute all embedded digital and analog audio outputs. Unmute all audio outputs.
Each X2% response is the mute status of an output, starting from output 1. n = either 16 or 32.
Audio is muted on outputs 2 and 3, video on output 5, and video and audio on output 26. All other outputs are unmuted.
NOTE: | X@ = Output number | 01 – 16 or 32 |
| ||
| X1) | = Mute | 0 | = off (unmuted) | 1 | = on (muted) |
| X2% | = Video and audio mute | 0 | = no mute | 1 | = video mute | 2 = audio mute | 3 = video and audio mute |
Command | SIS Command | Response | Additional Description |
| (Host to Unit to Endpoint) | (Endpoint to Unit to Host) |
Relay controls |
Turn on an endpoint relay | EX@*X2^*1RELY} | RelyX@*X2^*1] |
Turn off an endpoint relay | EX@*X2^*0RELY} | RelyX@*X2^*0] |
Toggle an endpoint relay | EX@*X2^*2RELY} | RelyX@*X2^*2] |
Pulse an endpoint relay | EX@*X2^*3*X2&RELY} | RelyX@*X2^*3*X2&] |
Example: | E1*2*3*45RELY} | Rely1*2*3*45] |
View an endpoint relay status | EX@*X2^RELY} | X2*] |
Turn on relay X2^ in output X@. Turn off relay X2^ in output X@.
Turn on relay X2^ in output X@ for an interval defined as X2&. Each step of X2& is 16 ms.
Turn on relay 2 in output endpoint 1 for 720 ms (0.72 sec, X2& = 45 * 16 ms = 720 ms).
On or off.
XTP CrossPoint 1600 and 3200 • Remote Control 37
NOTE: X! = Input number | 01 – 16 or 32 |
X2^ = Relay on endpoint | 1 or 2 |
X2& = Pulse duration | 0 through 65535 (each step = 16 ms, see the example above) | |
X2* = Relay status | 0 = Off | 1 = On |